Outdoor. Tech.
On this episode of Outdoor Gear Review we check out an item that can make judging distance much easier. Whether you’re smacking golf balls or sending arrows at wild game; a range finder cuts the unknown out. Let's see what this sleek designed rangefinder has to offer!
On this episode of Outdoor Gear Reviews we take a look at a sight that may upgrade your shooting abilities. Whether its a young kid or older adults, this sight might just keep them on target. Lets see if the modern technology can improve my aim.
On this episode of Outdoor Gear Reviews we take a look at an item that is almost essential on long outdoor excursions. Batteries drain even when they're not being used, so having a charging source is always a needed tool when away from civilization. Lets see if this cheap options is wort your money!
On this episode of Outdoor Gear Reviews we take a look at two other stove top fan options. Will bigger blades be better than multiple? Or is the smaller option the best bang for your buck? Lets dive in and see which unit pushes the most heat!
On this episode of Outdoor gear reviews we dive into our first sponsored video with a Signstek Stove Fan. The main issue we face with many heat sources is the fact heat rises. Stove fans are meant to help disperse heat throughout the room. Lets see if this particular fan can handle our little stress test.
On this episode of Outdoor Gear Reviews, we look at something our waterfowlers love. Ducks calls, more specifically Hayes Duck and Goose Calls. Although I do know the Hayes guys well, there's good and bad qualities to any calls. Lets take a look at the calls and see if they're a good budget option.
On this episode of OTDR Gear Reviews, we finish up the Mr. Heater series with the Propane Heater/Cooker. This dual-purpose heater will keep you roasty toasty as well as a roast that marsh mellow for your smores! Lets see what this simple designed heater can handle.
On this episode of Outdoor Gear Reviews, we continue with our Mr. Heater series and dig into the Little Buddy. Although you're not going to get the large heating source you can get from larger units, the Little Buddy is useful in its own fashion. Small spaces and tents are great for this unit, but let's see what it can handle!

On this episode of Outdoor Gear Reviews, we check out the similarities and differences between the Smaller units designed by Mr. Heater. Either heating a tent or cooking some pasta you need the most versatile product. Let's see which unit is going to be the best for YOU!
He's a tough critic. Follow his lead and you'll never make a bad purchase.